Discover alternative medicine
In Montesson
Pamela has studied aromatology, which is the use of using essential oils intensively. In using this method she has been able to help people relieve their different ailments, such as migraines, insomnia, their phobias,menstrual challenges,infertility and often cases that have no solutions with conventional methods, to name but a few.
As a naturopath, my doors are open to everyone, infants, children, adolescents, adults and even seniors. I specialize in advising women on understanding the menstrual cycle.
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A new way to heal
Aromatherapy, nanotherapy and Bush flowers
Pamela often utilises products that use the technology of nano therapy, that is the products that contain very small particles of the components, so that they cross the cellular membrane, and address the problem where it needs to at a cellular level.Consequently it helps with self healing and is a very efficient way of healing.
Australian Bush Flowers
Pamela is passionate about the efficency of using flower elixirs to solve certain challenges. Pamela has successfully helped her clients overcome challenges such as panic attacks, migraines, ADH, children and adolescents with difficulties, insomnia, infertility, stress, anxiety and many other challenges.